Making Big Bucks with Chenille Patches and Chenille Letters

What are Chenille Patches and Letters Chenille embroidery is a specialized form of embroidery that uses thick thread to create raised, three-dimensional designs. The technique is often used for sportswear, as it can be applied to jackets, sweatshirts, and hats. The process begins with a design that is first digitized, or translated into a stitch file. […]

Digitizing Software

Digitizing Software for Commercial Embroidery Machines Digitizing Software for your Commercial Embroidery Machine, Graphics Software for your Creativity, Rhinestone Software for Bling and more… Outstanding digitizing software is what separates the average new embroidery business owner from the real professionals. That’s because while an industrial embroidery machine works fundamentally like a home embroidery machine, how […]

Commercial Embroidery Machines Return On Investment

Does an Investment in a Commercial Embroidery Machine Make Sense? A question we get asked a lot is how does a commercial embroidery machine pay for itself and pay itself off. To give you some ideas we’re going to use two examples. The first is a simple hat, and the second a more expensive, higher-end polo shirt. […]

4 Hidden Costs In The Embroidery Business

If you’re new to running your own business, or new to the embroidery business you may have done some simple math to figure out how profitable this business could be for you. Example: You can sell a embroidered polo for $35. The polo cost $8 and the supplies cost $1 per logo, so we won’t even […]